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Dartmouth Art History Major?

Hi everyone! I'm a high school junior considering applying to Dartmouth, and I'm really interested in studying art history. Can anyone share their experience with the art history program at Dartmouth or give me some insights about it? Thanks so much!

10 months ago

Hi there! Dartmouth's Art History program offers a unique and comprehensive curriculum, which covers various periods and regions. Here are some key points to consider:

1. Course Offerings: Dartmouth's Art History department offers a variety of courses, ranging from ancient art to contemporary issues. While the exact offerings can vary from year to year, some past examples have included "African Art and Architecture," "Art and Science in the Age of Galileo," and "History of Photography." This broad coverage allows you to explore your interests and develop a strong foundation in the discipline.

2. Faculty: Dartmouth's professors in general are known for providing a nearly unparalleled blend of involvement in cutting-edge research and commitment to teaching, and the Art History department is no exception. You will learn directly from experts in their respective fields, without having to go through any teaching assistants. Class sizes are typically small, even in introductory classes, so you'll have ample opportunities for close interactions with professors throughout your four years at Dartmouth.

3. Study Abroad Opportunities: Study abroad is a huge part of the culture at Dartmouth, and art history students have the opportunity to spend a full term in Rome, one of the most artistically significant cities in history. You may also have the chance to participate in shorter term programs which are affiliated with an on-campus course - for example, in the past students in a Japanese architecture course have been able to visit Japan over winter break, to engage directly with the places and theories they've just spent a term learning about.

4. Hood Museum of Art: On campus, you'll have access to the Hood Museum of Art, which holds a wide range of collections and thus is an invaluable resource for your studies. The museum often collaborates with the Art History department to create special exhibits and curricular programming.

5. Interdisciplinary Approach: Combining Art History courses with other related subjects such as anthropology, classics, or visual studies can provide you with a more holistic understanding of the field. Dartmouth's flexible curriculum encourages interdisciplinary exploration as well as connections between academic disciplines.

6. Off-Terms: Dartmouth's flexible academic calendar requires all students to take an "off-term" at some point during the traditional academic year. This time away from campus can be an excellent opportunity to travel, participate in an internship, or engage in some other activity that enhances your art history studies.

In summary, the Art History program at Dartmouth offers a strong curriculum, excellent faculty, and a range of resources to help you develop deep insights into the field. It is an intellectually rewarding program with opportunities to pursue your passion both on-campus and abroad.

Finally, if you end up applying to Dartmouth and are looking for tips on how to maximize your chances of acceptance, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down how to tackle their school-specific supplemental essays: After all, Dartmouth is a highly selective institution, and the essays are often just the thing that distinguishes one talented applicant from another.

Good luck with your decision-making process, and future endeavors in the fascinating field of art history!

10 months ago

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