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Skidmore College Athletics: Which division are they in?

Hey! I'm an athlete looking into Skidmore College and I'm curious to know which division they're in for athletics. Does anyone know if it's NCAA or something else? Also, how's the school spirit when it comes to sports?

9 months ago

Skidmore College competes in Division III of the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association). The college is a member of the Liberty League, which features many small, private schools in the northeastern region of the United States.

As for school spirit and sports culture, Skidmore's environment is generally supportive and enthusiastic, but it can vary depending on the sport and the team's success. Keep in mind that, like many DIII schools, the focus at Skidmore is primarily on academics. However, the athletes and their dedication to their sport are still well-regarded by the community, and events like soccer, basketball, and hockey games can attract a good crowd.

If you're interested in a balance between solid academics and sports involvement, Skidmore might be a good fit for you. Plus, being a Division III school means that there will be a stronger emphasis on the student-athlete experience, rather than an exclusive focus on athletics, so you're sure to have an enriching overall college experience. I hope this information helps you with your college search!

9 months ago

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