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Ohio University creative writing program?

I'm really passionate about writing and I'm considering Ohio University for college. How strong is their creative writing program? Are there any notable faculty members or successful alumni from that program?

9 months ago

Ohio University offers a strong creative writing program through its College of Arts and Sciences. The program is part of the English Department and features both an undergraduate major in English with a creative writing emphasis, as well as an MFA in Creative Writing for those interested in pursuing graduate studies.

The undergraduate program is designed to give students a solid foundation not only in creative writing but also in literature, language, and theory. As a creative writing major, you'll take workshops in fiction, poetry, and other genres like creative nonfiction, screenwriting, and playwriting, depending on your interests. You'll also have the chance to take classes in literature and language to help broaden your understanding of various writing styles and traditions.

Ohio University's creative writing faculty is a diverse group of published writers and scholars with expertise in various genres and literary traditions. They bring real-world experience to the classroom, which can be invaluable as you develop your own writing skills. They often hold readings and other events to showcase their work, giving you the opportunity to see the creative process in action and learn from accomplished writers.

As for alumni successes, the creative writing program at Ohio University has produced many talented writers who have gone on to publish books, secure teaching positions, and win prestigious awards and fellowships. Some notable examples include Emily Mitchell, who was a finalist for the New York Public Library's Young Lions Fiction Award, and Bianca Spriggs, an Affrilachian poet and multimedia artist whose work has garnered numerous accolades.

In conclusion, Ohio University's creative writing program provides a robust curriculum, experienced faculty, and a supportive environment for aspiring writers to hone their craft. Pursuing a creative writing degree at Ohio University can be a great choice if you're passionate about writing and are looking for a program that will help you develop your skills and connect with like-minded writers.

9 months ago

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