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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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CU Boulder's Campus Population?

Hey guys! I'm looking into CU Boulder and I'd like to know more about the campus population. What's the student demographic like and does the school have a diverse community?

9 months ago

Hello! CU Boulder, or the University of Colorado Boulder, has a sizeable student population with a mix of various backgrounds. According to the university's data, the undergraduate population is around 30,000 students. As for diversity, CU Boulder is committed to fostering an inclusive community, but it still has room for improvement in terms of the representation of various racial and ethnic groups.

Roughly 65% of the undergraduate student body identifies as White, 13% as Hispanic/Latino, 10% as Asian, 3% as Black/African American, and around 2% as Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. About 3% of students belong to multiple races or ethnicities, and around 2% of the population did not report their race/ethnicity. Moreover, there's a substantial number of international students as well, adding to the cultural diversity on campus.

Besides racial and ethnic diversity, you'll find a broad range of clubs, organizations, and activities that cater to different interests and help cultivate a diverse environment. If you're keen on expanding your horizons and engaging with people from various backgrounds, CU Boulder provides numerous opportunities for students to come together, learn from one another, and celebrate their shared experiences and differences.

Overall, CU Boulder's student body is predominantly White, but the university is making strides to enhance diversity and ensure all students feel welcome. Enjoy exploring CU Boulder and the wide range of experiences it has to offer!

9 months ago

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