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UW Green Bay Nursing

Hello! I'm a junior interested in the nursing program at UW Green Bay. Anyone have any experiences with their nursing program? What's the curriculum like and what opportunities are available for nursing students on campus?

9 months ago

Hello! The nursing program at UW Green Bay is well-regarded and has a comprehensive curriculum designed to prepare you for a successful career in nursing. Their nursing program offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree which combines both theoretical knowledge and hands-on experiences.

The curriculum includes a mix of core nursing courses, as well as general education courses for a well-rounded education. Some core nursing courses you can expect to take include health assessment, nursing research, pharmacology, and various clinical-focused courses that hone your skills in patient care. These courses emphasize evidence-based practice and interdisciplinary approaches to healthcare.

In terms of practical experience, the program ensures you receive plenty of clinical opportunities to apply your theoretical knowledge in real-world settings. Nursing students at UW Green Bay have the chance to work in various clinical sites, including hospitals, community clinics, and long-term care facilities. This not only helps you gain experience but also allows you to build a strong professional network in the healthcare field.

Moreover, there are several opportunities for nursing students on campus to get engaged in extracurricular activities and gain additional experience. Additionally, students may have opportunities to showcase their research and engage in volunteer work to further develop their nursing skills and interprofessional relationships.

In summary, the nursing program at UW Green Bay offers a rigorous and well-rounded curriculum, ample clinical experiences in diverse settings, and a range of extracurricular activities to ensure you develop the skills, knowledge, and network to thrive as a nursing professional.

9 months ago

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