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Looking for info on NCAA Division 2 women's basketball teams

Hi all! I'm a junior in high school, and I've been playing basketball for several years now. I'm starting to research colleges and their basketball programs, and I'm particularly interested in Division 2. Any tips on where to find information about NCAA Division 2 women's basketball teams? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hi there! It's great that you're interested in continuing your basketball career in college. To start your research on NCAA Division 2 women's basketball teams, I recommend the following steps:

1. Visit the NCAA's official website: This is your go-to resource for all things related to college athletics. Their Division 2 Women's Basketball page ( provides news, rankings, and stats for the current season.

2. Explore the conference websites: Division 2 is divided into several conferences based on geographic location. Each conference's website typically has information about their member schools' women's basketball programs. Some of the conferences include the Great Lakes Valley Conference (GLVC), the Sunshine State Conference (SSC), and the California Collegiate Athletic Association (CCAA). By browsing these websites, you can gain insight into each school's athletic success and find contact information for the coaches.

3. Check out individual college websites: Once you have a list of schools you might be interested in, visit their official athletic websites to learn more about their women's basketball programs. Look for rosters, team statistics, and coaching staff information. Additionally, you can often find links to highlight videos or game replays, which can provide a better understanding of the team's playing style and dynamics.

4. Reach out to coaches: As you narrow down your list of potential schools, consider reaching out to coaches via email to express your interest and ask for more information about the program and the recruiting process. Be sure to include your basketball accomplishments, academic achievements, and any relevant details about your athletic experience to help them evaluate your fit for the team.

5. Attend showcases or camps: Participating in showcases or summer basketball camps can help to gain exposure to college coaches and provide you with an opportunity to network with coaches and other players. Look for events affiliated with Division 2 colleges or basketball organizations to maximize connections with D2 coaches.

Combining these approaches will give you a comprehensive overview of the NCAA Division 2 women's basketball landscape. Remember to also consider the academic offerings and campus life of your potential schools, as it's essential to find the right balance between your education and athletic goals. Best of luck in your search, and I hope you find the perfect fit for you!

9 months ago

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