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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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LTI Meadville - what can you tell me about this school?

Hi everyone! I stumbled across LTI Meadville and I'd like to learn more about it. What kind of programs do they offer and what is the school's overall reputation? Does anyone have any experience attending this school?

9 months ago

LTI Meadville, also known as Laurel Technical Institute Meadville, is a private, for-profit trade school in Meadville, Pennsylvania. They primarily offer career-oriented programs focused on preparing students for entry-level jobs in various fields. The overall reputation of LTI Meadville is that of a learning institution that provides practical training and skills development for students looking to enter the workforce upon graduation.

Some of the programs that LTI Meadville offers include Medical Assisting, Computer-Aided Drafting and Design, Business Administration, and Cosmetology. These programs are designed to equip students with the skills necessary to secure employment in their chosen fields.

In general, trade schools like LTI Meadville appeal to students who are interested in a more focused and hands-on educational experience, often with a shorter time frame than traditional 4-year colleges. The quality of education at trade schools like this can be quite good, but it's essential to do your research and make sure the program aligns with your goals and career aspirations.

If you're considering LTI Meadville, it's essential to visit their website to learn more about the programs, tuition costs, and admission requirements. You can also find additional information by connecting with former or current students and attending open houses or information sessions that the school may offer. While I don't have personal experience attending this school, I hope this information helps you learn more about LTI Meadville and its programs.

9 months ago

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