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Florida State admission requirements?

Hey guys, I'm working on my college list and I'm interested in Florida State University. Does anyone have any information on their admission requirements, like average test scores, GPA, or other factors they prioritize? Thanks!

9 months ago

Hi there! Florida State University (FSU) is a fantastic choice, and I'm glad you're considering it. Here's an overview of the general admissions requirements and factors FSU prioritizes:

1. Grades: FSU looks at your weighted high school GPA, along with the rigor of the courses taken when evaluating your application. Average weighted GPA for admitted students is about 4.26, while average unweighted GPA is 3.72.

2. Test Scores: FSU requires applicants to submit their test scores, and the middle 50% ranges are roughly as follows: For SAT, 1250-1380; and for ACT, 27-31.

3. Course Rigor: The university values a strong high school curriculum, so they will take note of how many advanced, honors, AP, and/or IB courses you have taken, as well as your performance in these classes.

4. Extracurricular Activities: FSU will consider your extracurricular involvement, particularly leadership roles, passion projects, and activities related to your intended major, to build an understanding of your interests, achievements, and potential contributions to their community.

5. Essay: You'll be required to submit an essay as part of the application, which should reflect your personality, experiences, and aspirations. This is your chance to showcase your unique perspective and how you'll fit in with the FSU community.

6. Recommendations: While not required for first-year applicants, you can submit up to two recommendation letters.

7. Residency: This may not be a strict requirement, but it's worth noting that FSU gives preference to Florida residents during the admissions process.

While these are the general factors FSU considers, remember that admission is competitive and will vary depending on the applicant pool each year. Good luck with your application!

9 months ago

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