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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Free Mock SAT Tests?

Hey guys, I want to start practicing for the SAT, but I don't have the funds to buy expensive prep materials. Is there any place where I could find free mock SAT tests that are accurate and up-to-date?

10 months ago

Absolutely! There are several resources that offer free, high-quality SAT practice tests. One of the best places to start is the College Board's official website, which provides eight full-length SAT practice tests. These tests are created by the same organization that administers the SAT, so they should be a very accurate representation of the actual exam.

Another valuable resource is Khan Academy, which has partnered with the College Board to provide free, personalized SAT prep resources. They offer full-length practice tests, as well as diagnostic quizzes, interactive lessons, and practice questions. You can also track your progress and receive tailored recommendations for improving your skills in specific areas. Their materials, too, are up-to-date and very similar to what you can expect on the SAT.

Don't forget to check your local library as well; they may have physical copies of SAT prep books that include practice tests. Many libraries also provide access to online test prep resources, so be sure to ask a librarian about what they have available.

Finally, consider forming a study group with friends or classmates who are also preparing for the SAT. Sharing resources and working together can be an effective and fun way to practice and learn. Good luck with your SAT preparation!

10 months ago

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