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Music programs at New York universities?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior looking for colleges with strong music programs in the New York area. Can you recommend any universities with great music programs that I should explore? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Certainly! New York is home to several universities with excellent music programs. Here are a few options to consider:

1. Juilliard School: Located in New York City, Juilliard is one of the most prestigious performing arts conservatories in the world. It offers undergraduate degrees in music performance, composition, jazz studies, and historical performance.

2. Manhattan School of Music: Another top conservatory in New York City, the Manhattan School of Music provides an array of undergraduate programs in classical music, jazz, contemporary performance, composition, and music education.

3. Eastman School of Music (University of Rochester): Though not in New York City, the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY, is a renowned music school with undergraduate programs in music performance, composition, music education, theory, and more.

4. New York University (NYU) Steinhardt: The NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development has a highly-regarded music program that includes a wide variety of undergraduate degrees such as music performance, composition, music technology, music business, and music education.

5. The New School - Mannes School of Music: Located in New York City, The New School's Mannes School of Music offers a diverse range of undergraduate programs in music performance, theory, composition, and more, with an emphasis on innovation and collaboration.

6. CUNY Brooklyn College Conservatory of Music: Part of the City University of New York system, the Brooklyn College Conservatory of Music provides affordable, high-quality undergraduate music programs with offerings in performance, composition, music education, and musicology.

These are just a few options, and I highly recommend researching each further to determine which one aligns best with your musical interests and career goals. Don't forget to also consider factors like affordability, campus life, and access to performance opportunities. Best of luck in your search and future music endeavors!

9 months ago

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