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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Good Math Score on the SAT

Hi there! I'm a little stressed about my SAT Math score. Could any of you tell me what's generally considered a good Math score on the SAT? And how important is it for college admissions if I'm not planning to major in a math-related field? Thanks for your help!

10 months ago

Hi! I understand that the SAT can be a bit stressful, and it's normal to be concerned about your scores. As for what is considered a good Math score, it varies depending on which colleges you're considering. A score above the national average (which is around 520) is decent, but targeting a score above 650 would typically be advantageous for competitive college admissions.

However, it's essential to keep in mind that even if you're not planning to major in a math-related field, colleges still look at your overall SAT score to evaluate your academic abilities. That said, if you have a strong application in other areas (like a rigorous course load, solid grades, and well-developed extracurricular activities), a slightly lower Math score might not have a significant negative impact on your application, especially if you're applying to programs that emphasize other skills.

If you want to get a better idea of the SAT scores typically accepted by colleges you're interested in, you can research each college's average SAT scores from the previous year, which may give you a better understanding of where you stand compared to their accepted students. Remember, though, that college admissions can be holistic, meaning they consider multiple factors beyond test scores.

Keep in mind that if you feel your score could be improved, you may choose to retake the SAT, focusing specifically on improving your Math score. Many students see at least some improvement on their second or even third attempt.

Best of luck with your college applications, and remember that a single score is only one part of your application!

10 months ago

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