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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Should I use the Fiske Guide to Colleges?

I've recently come across the Fiske Guide to Colleges, and I'm wondering if it's worth investing in. Does anyone have any experience with this guide? Is it helpful for researching colleges, comparing them, and navigating the application process?

9 months ago

I believe using the Fiske Guide to Colleges could be helpful for your college search, though it should be used as a supplement to other resources.

The Fiske Guide provides in-depth information on over 300 schools, including academic programs, campus culture, and student life. It does a great job at giving you a sense of the overall vibe and atmosphere of a particular college. By including direct quotes from current students, you'll get a more genuine perspective on the school than just reading a brochure. However, the guide only covers a limited number of colleges, so if you're researching a specific university that is not included, you may need to consult additional resources.

In addition to the Fiske Guide, make sure to explore college websites, virtual tours, and attend online information sessions. Resources like CollegeVine offer personalized guidance and tools to help you with your college search and application process. College websites often provide the most up-to-date information on programs, faculty, and requirements. Colleges often hold webinars or virtual information sessions where you can ask questions and get a better understanding of their offerings.

Lastly, online forums and social media groups can provide additional insight from current college students or recent alumni, which can help you get a sense of the community at a specific college. This can balance the information in the Fiske Guide and provide a more well-rounded perspective on college selection.

In conclusion, the Fiske Guide to Colleges can be a useful tool in your college search, but it is important to supplement it with other resources to help you make an informed decision when comparing colleges and navigating the application process. Good luck!

9 months ago

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