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What GPA range is suitable for the University of Kentucky?

Hey y'all! I'm a high school junior and considering applying to the University of Kentucky next year. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what GPA range would make me a competitive applicant for admission? It would be helpful to know if I'm in a good position. Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hey there! It's great that you're considering the University of Kentucky for your college journey. To give you an idea of what GPA range is suitable for the University of Kentucky, I'll provide some general information about the academic profile of recently admitted students.

For the University of Kentucky, the average high school GPA of admitted students is around 3.60, and around 63% of incoming students had a GPA of 3.5 or higher. To be a competitive applicant, you should aim for a GPA above the average. A GPA of 3.7 or higher would put you in a stronger position for admission. However, even if your GPA is slightly lower, don't feel discouraged. You may be able to compensate for that by being especially strong in other areas, such as your extracurricular activities.

While GPA is certainly an important factor in your application, the University of Kentucky takes a holistic approach to reviewing applications, so other aspects such as standardized test scores (if submitting), your course rigor, and your personal story will also play a role in the decision process. Regardless of your GPA, you don't want to neglect these other elements of your application.

I hope this information helps you gauge where you stand as a prospective applicant to the University of Kentucky. Good luck with your application process!

9 months ago

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