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What's the average GPA for accepted students at Providence College?

I'm a junior currently researching colleges, and Providence College caught my attention. Can someone tell me what the average GPA is for students who get accepted there? Is it super competitive or more on the manageable side?

10 months ago

The average GPA of accepted students at Providence College is typically around a 3.5 unweighted on a 4.0 scale. This falls in the range of solid B+ to A- grades on average, which indicates that the college is moderately competitive. Keep in mind, however, that GPA is just one factor in the admissions process, and Providence College also considers other elements, like extracurricular activities, test scores (if submitted), and personal strengths.

While a 3.5 GPA can provide you with a decent chance of acceptance, it's a good idea to aim for even higher grades if possible, to not just clear the average but actually distinguish yourself from other talented applicants. And regardless of your GPA, Providence College has a well-rounded admissions process, so be sure to showcase your passion, dedication, and personal story that make you stand out as an applicant, alongside your academic achievements. Good luck with your college search!

10 months ago

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