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Harvard University GPA Acceptance: What's a Competitive GPA?

Hey everyone! I'm really focused on trying to get into Harvard. I know they're very selective, so I was wondering what GPA range is considered competitive for an applicant? Also, do they prefer weighted or unweighted GPAs?

2 months ago

Hello! You're right that Harvard is one of the most selective schools out there, but you're on the right track by researching what constitutes a competitive GPA for admission.

Harvard doesn't specifically state a minimum GPA requirement, but it's important to remember that it is a highly competitive school. Generally, a competitive GPA for Harvard and other top-tier institutions would be between 3.9 and 4.0 (unweighted) and as close to 4.0 (or even slightly above) as possible with weighted GPAs. It's not uncommon for successful applicants to have near-perfect GPAs.

In terms of which one they prefer, weighted and unweighted GPAs play slightly different roles in the admissions process. Harvard might use unweighted GPAs to compare students across schools with different grading systems. However, they also consider weighted GPAs since they indicate the rigor of a student's coursework. Harvard is known for highly valuing rigorous course schedules, including AP, IB, and honors classes, so they'll definitely pay close attention to your transcript even if your high school doesn't report weighted GPAs.

It's also essential to remember that GPA is not the sole determining factor in admissions. Plenty of applicants to Harvard have near-perfect GPAs, so you'll need to distinguish yourself through other aspects of your application, such as extracurriculars, essays, and letters of recommendation. Harvard uses a holistic review process to evaluate each candidate, so it's crucial that your application is strong across the board.

For example, Harvard's school-specific supplemental essays are often what admissions officers rely on when trying to decide between two applicants with similar academic achievements. For tips on how to tackle their current prompts, check out this blog post from CollegeVine: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-harvard-university-essays

Good luck on your journey to Harvard!

2 months ago

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