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How's Cal Poly SLO Accounting Major?

Hi, I'm thinking about applying to Cal Poly SLO as an accounting major. Can anyone share their experience with the program, class sizes, and internship opportunities? Thanks a lot!

9 months ago

Hello! Cal Poly SLO's accounting program is well-regarded for its emphasis on hands-on learning, also known as the "learn by doing" philosophy. The Orfalea College of Business, where the accounting program is housed, has an excellent reputation for preparing students for careers in various industries.

One of the key strengths of the program lies in its comprehensive curriculum. Apart from covering core accounting topics, the courses also focus on professional skills like communication, critical thinking, and teamwork. Since Cal Poly SLO is a polytechnic university, students in the accounting major also benefit from a more practical approach to learning, with opportunities to work on real-world projects.

When it comes to class sizes at Cal Poly, most classes in the accounting program are relatively small, usually around 30-40 students. This allows for more personalized attention from professors and more opportunities for collaboration and discussion with fellow students.

Regarding internships, Cal Poly SLO provides ample resources for accounting majors to find internships during their time at the university. The Orfalea College of Business has a dedicated career services office that assists students in securing internship placements.

Additionally, the University organizes career fairs where representatives from major accounting firms, corporations, and government agencies come to recruit Cal Poly students. Many accounting students at Cal Poly SLO secure internships with prominent companies like the "Big Four" accounting firms (PwC, Deloitte, EY, and KPMG), as well as regional and local firms.

A solid network of Cal Poly alumni in the accounting field further supports students in finding internships and job opportunities in the industry. Some alumni even return to campus to mentor current students and share their experiences.

Overall, Cal Poly SLO's accounting program offers a well-rounded education with a focus on practical skills, smaller class sizes for a more personalized learning experience, and various internship opportunities through strong industry connections. It's definitely worth considering if you're interested in pursuing a career in accounting.

9 months ago

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