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Tips for ACT Reading Section?

Hi everyone! I'm studying for the ACT, and I need some help with the reading section. Does anyone have any tips on how to improve my score? It's always been a rough area for me. Thanks!

10 months ago

Hi! The ACT Reading section can be challenging, but with the right strategies and practice, you can see improvements in your score. Here are some tips to help you:

1. Timing: The Reading section has 40 questions and you have 35 minutes to complete it. This gives you about 9 minutes per passage (there are four passages in total). Make sure to manage your time well and maintain a steady pace so you don't fall behind.

2. Skim the passages: Quickly skim each passage before diving into the questions. Focus on the main ideas, structure, and tone. This will help you get a general understanding of the passage and make it easier to locate specific information when answering questions.

3. Passage order: You don't have to tackle the passages in order. If one passage seems more difficult or less interesting to you, start with the easier ones to build your confidence and ensure you can answer a greater number of questions in the time provided.

4. Use the process of elimination: When answering questions, cross out answer choices that are clearly wrong. This will help you narrow down your options and make it easier to choose the correct answer.

5. Answer line-specific questions first: If a question refers to specific lines in the passage, answer those first. This can help refresh your memory of the passage content and might also provide clues for other questions.

6. Be cautious of extreme answer choices: In many cases, the correct answer is a more moderate option, while extreme answer choices (e.g., ones that use words like "always," "never," etc.) are often incorrect. Use this information as a guideline when selecting an answer, but don't rely on it exclusively.

7. Practice active reading: While practicing for the ACT Reading section, try to improve your active reading skills by underlining or making notes in the margins as you read passages. This can help you better retain information and make it easier to locate specific details later.

8. Review: After taking practice tests, spend time reviewing your answers to see where you went wrong. This can help you identify patterns and areas where you need to improve.

9. Read widely: To become more comfortable with various types of passages, make a habit of reading articles, essays, and books from different genres and subjects in your free time. This will help you become a more versatile and efficient reader.

Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you work on the Reading section under timed conditions, the more comfortable you'll become with the format and the better you will perform on test day. Good luck!

10 months ago

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