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What's the average SAT score for Tufts admits?

Hello! I'm seriously considering applying to Tufts, but I'm not sure what the average SAT score for accepted students is. Does anyone have any info on this? Thanks in advance!

2 months ago

Hello! The average SAT score for accepted students at Tufts University typically falls between the range of 1470-1560. This range represents the middle 50% of admitted students, which means that 25% of students accepted to Tufts scored below 1470, 25% scored above 1560, and the remaining 50% fell within this range.

These numbers can fluctuate slightly each year, but they should give you a general score target. Do remember that Tufts uses a holistic admissions process, so, while standardized test scores are an essential component of your application, other factors, such as extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendations, will also play a significant role in your application.

For example, regardless of your SAT score, at selective schools like Tufts your school-specific supplemental essays are a great opportunity to showcase your fit for this particular institution. Indeed, the essays are often just the thing admissions officers rely on to choose between two applicants with similar academic qualifications. For tips on how to tackle Tufts' current prompts, check out this blog post from CollegeVine: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-tufts-university-essays

Best of luck with your application to Tufts!

2 months ago

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