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SF State Electrical Engineering: Pros and Cons?

Hello everyone! I'm really interested in San Francisco State University's electrical engineering program. Does anyone have any thoughts on the program overall? Would love to hear both the pros and cons from those who have experienced or are currently in the program. Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hi there! I'm glad you're considering San Francisco State University's electrical engineering program. I can provide you with some general pros and cons, but keep in mind that each student's experience might vary depending on their background, goals, and individual preferences.


1. Location: Being in the heart of the Bay Area, SF State offers access to a plethora of tech companies and startups, which can provide opportunities for internships, networking, and job prospects after graduation.

2. Diverse student body: SF State is known for its multicultural and inclusive environment, which can enrich your learning experience and help you develop a global perspective.

3. Accreditation: The electrical engineering program is accredited by ABET, ensuring the program meets internationally recognized standards and equips students with adequate technical knowledge.

4. Faculty: Many faculty members in the program have experience both in academia and industry, allowing them to provide real-world examples and teach valuable, practical skills.

5. Research opportunities: SF State offers undergraduate research opportunities, which can be valuable for students interested in pursuing graduate studies or academic careers.


1. Size: The program might not be as large or as well-known as electrical engineering programs at top-tier research universities, which could limit its overall prestige and resources.

2. Limited electives: In comparison to larger institutions, SF State might offer fewer elective options, potentially limiting opportunities for specialization in certain sub-fields within electrical engineering.

3. Competitive internships: While the Bay Area has many internship opportunities, the competition for these positions can be intense, given the concentration of top-tier schools in the area. It's vital to be proactive in seeking opportunities and maintaining strong academic performance.

4. Cost of living: San Francisco is known for its high cost of living, which can be a financial challenge for students who do not receive substantial financial aid or scholarships.

Of course, the best way to gain insights specific to the electrical engineering program at SF State is to speak to current students or recent graduates, since they can provide first-hand experiences that'll help paint a clearer picture. Good luck with your decision-making process!

9 months ago

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