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UNLV Computer Science Requirements

I am considering applying to UNLV for a computer science degree, but I was wondering what the requirements for the program are. Could anyone help me out with details on the course prerequisites, application process, and any other important info about the program?

9 months ago

Sure, let me help you out with the details of the Computer Science program at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV).

Course Prerequisites: The computer science program at UNLV generally requires a strong background in math. For incoming freshmen, expect to have completed at least 4 years of high school math, including Algebra, Geometry, Advanced Algebra & Trigonometry, and Pre-Calculus. Additionally, having experience in computer programming or having taken computer science courses in high school can help strengthen your application.

Application Process: The application process for the computer science program at UNLV follows the standard undergraduate application process for the university. You will need to submit the following:

1. The Common Application or UNLV's online application

2. Official high school transcripts

3. ACT or SAT scores (optional, UNLV is test-optional since Fall 2021)

4. One letter of recommendation from a teacher or counselor

5. Personal statement or essay

There is no separate application process specifically for the computer science program. Once admitted to UNLV, you can declare your major in computer science after completing the required prerequisites.

Other Important Info: The computer science program at UNLV is housed within the Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering. Students in the program have access to state-of-the-art facilities, such as computer labs and research centers, and they benefit from the resources and connections of the college. Throughout the program, students specialize in both hardware and software aspects of computer science, including programming, data structures, algorithms, computer organization, operating systems, and more.

Internships, research opportunities, and co-ops are available for computer science students, which can provide valuable hands-on experience and connections in the tech industry. Moreover, UNLV has a strong network of alumni working in industries like gaming, aerospace, defense, and technology.

So, now that you have an idea of the requirements and process involved, you can decide whether the UNLV Computer Science program is the right fit for you. Good luck!

9 months ago

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