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Competitive ACT score for the University of Pennsylvania?

Hello! I'm considering the University of Pennsylvania as one of my top choices, but I want to know if my ACT score is competitive enough. Can someone tell me the score range they typically accept? Thanks!

9 months ago

The University of Pennsylvania is a highly selective institution, and having a competitive ACT score can help improve your chances of admission. Keep in mind that admissions consider various factors in addition to test scores, but having a strong ACT score certainly helps your application.

As for the ACT score range typically accepted by UPenn, the middle 50% range for admitted students falls between a 34 and a 35. This statistic means that 25% of admitted students scored below a 34, another 25% scored above a 35, and the remaining 50% scored either a 34 or 35. To be considered competitive, you should aim for a score within or above this range.

However, if your ACT score falls below this range, it's important to remember that UPenn takes a holistic approach in their admissions process and will consider other aspects of your application, such as your grades, course rigor, extracurricular activities, and essays. A slightly lower ACT score, for example in the 32-33 range, will not automatically disqualify you if you have a strong overall application.

To summarize, try to boost your ACT score if you're not already in the competitive range to improve your chances at UPenn, but don't forget about the rest of your application. For tips on how to polish up other key elements, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down how to tackle UPenn's school-specific supplemental essays: After all, regardless of your exact ACT score, most applicants to UPenn have excellent academic credentials, and the essays are often just the thing admissions officers rely on when trying to decide between two talented students.

Good luck!

9 months ago

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