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WashU engineering ranking and reputation?

Hi everyone! I'm considering applying to Washington University in St. Louis for engineering. Can anyone tell me how their engineering program is ranked and what its reputation is like among employers? Thanks for the input!

9 months ago

WashU (Washington University in St. Louis) has a solid engineering program with strong national rankings in various engineering disciplines. According to U.S. News & World Report, the overall undergraduate engineering program at WashU ranked #46 in the 2024 rankings. Although rankings can fluctuate year-to-year, this indicates that their engineering program is well-regarded nationally. These rankings are merely a rough indicator; it's crucial to consider other factors such as faculty, research opportunities, and internship placements when evaluating an engineering program.

Regarding its reputation among employers, WashU has a strong name recognition both regionally and nationally, so graduates typically have promising job prospects. The university's location in St. Louis provides numerous research opportunities and partnerships with local organizations, as well as strong connections to major corporations like Boeing, Monsanto, and Express Scripts. The career center also provides resources such as job fairs, networking events, resume assistance, and on-campus recruiting to ensure students are ready to enter the workforce.

Ultimately, WashU's engineering program offers a solid foundation, backed by a strong reputation and useful resources for its students. However, keep in mind that your success in finding a job and having a fulfilling career will also depend on your hard work, dedication, and skillset.

9 months ago

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