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Choosing High School Elective Classes

Hey everyone! I'm a junior trying to decide what elective classes to take next year. Which electives do you guys recommend that are both enjoyable and useful for college applications? Any suggestions on how to balance my schedule between academics and fun electives? Thanks!

9 months ago

Hi there! It's great that you're considering elective classes while balancing your academic commitments and personal interests. Electives can be a wonderful way to explore subjects that may set you apart in the college application process and showcase your variety of interests.

Choosing electives that align with your interests and future goals can help demonstrate a well-rounded perspective. For instance, if you're leaning towards a major in the sciences, you might consider taking classes like environmental science, psychology, or computer science to supplement your knowledge in related fields. On the other hand, if you're interested in humanities, exploring creative writing, art history, or a foreign language could be an excellent choice.

In addition to aligning your electives with your intended major, consider taking courses that develop your critical thinking, public speaking, or time management skills. These courses can be appealing to colleges as they demonstrate your commitment to personal growth. Examples include debate, public speaking, journalism, and even theater or film studies.

To balance your schedule, select electives based on your interest and their time commitment, keeping in mind that some electives may be more demanding than others. You'll want to find a balance between challenging yourself academically and still enjoying the high school experience. It's a good idea to consult with your school counselor to get their input on which elective courses may be a good fit for you given your academic history and aspirations.

Remember, the goal is to showcase your strengths and passions while also maintaining a well-balanced schedule. By selecting electives that align with your interests and future goals, you'll not only enhance your college applications but also make the most of your high school experience. Good luck!

9 months ago

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