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Bucknell's mechanical engineering program: what's it like?

Hey, can anyone provide any feedback or experiences regarding Bucknell's mechanical engineering program? What are the resources offered there, and how has it been in terms of preparing students for their careers?

9 months ago

Hey there! Bucknell University's mechanical engineering program is well-regarded and offers a strong curriculum with ample resources for its students. Here are some highlights of the program:

1. Faculty: The faculty in Bucknell's mechanical engineering department come from diverse backgrounds and have a range of expertise, many of them with extensive industry experience. This allows students to learn from professionals who can provide real-world perspective and practical knowledge. Professors are also known to be accessible and invested in the students' success.

2. Integrated learning: The curriculum integrates theoretical knowledge with hands-on, practical learning experiences. Students participate in design challenges and group projects, which help them develop teamwork, problem-solving, and communication skills. Their curriculum culminates in a senior design project which involves a full year of collaborative, industry-sponsored work, preparing them for careers in the field.

3. Facilities and resources: Bucknell's facilities are up-to-date and designed to support students in their learning. The university boasts engineering innovation Makerspaces in the Dana Engineering Building, which are equipped with cutting-edge technology, including 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC machines, and various CAD/CAM software.

4. Research opportunities: Undergraduates have the opportunity to participate in faculty-led research projects or even pursue independent research of their own, with faculty guidance. This can give students valuable experience in their chosen field and enhance their resumes.

5. Extracurricular activities: MechE students at Bucknell can join various extracurricular organizations, such as the student chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the engineering honor society Tau Beta Pi. These organizations host events, competitions, and talks that allow students to network and expand their knowledge about the industry.

6. Career prospects: Bucknell has a strong career services department that provides guidance on internships, co-ops, and job opportunities. On top of that, the university hosts engineering-specific job fairs and networking events. In the past, graduates have found positions at well-established companies like General Electric, Lockheed Martin, and Boeing.

Overall, Bucknell's mechanical engineering program offers students the resources, hands-on experiences, and professional connections they need to thrive in their academic and professional pursuits. The supportive faculty, advanced facilities, and extensive opportunities for research and internships make it an excellent choice for students interested in mechanical engineering.

If you end up applying and want tips on how to maximize your chances of acceptance, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down how to tackle Bucknell's school-specific supplemental essays:

Alternatively, you might consider participating in a summer program related to engineering. CollegeVine's blog has a list of reputable ones for high schoolers: Many of them will allow you to focus on mechanical engineering in particular, and admissions officers love to see that you're taking initiative and pursuing your interests outside of the classroom!

9 months ago

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