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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Programs Offered at Hunter College

I've been researching Hunter College, and it seems like an interesting school, but I'm having a hard time finding a complete list of its programs. Can anyone help me out or direct me to a source that has this info? Thanks!

10 months ago

To get a comprehensive list of programs offered at Hunter College, it is usually best to visit the college's official website. On the Hunter College website, you can find an overview of all undergraduate programs, which are organized by department and major. Visit this link for the complete list of undergraduate offerings: (

On the other hand, if you're looking for graduate programs, you can find the list of offerings by visiting this link: ( This page showcases programs by school and department, so you can really dive into the various options available to you.

Be sure to explore both links thoroughly to gain a better understanding of the academic opportunities offered by Hunter College. You'll notice that Hunter has a diverse range of programs in areas such as the arts, sciences, education, health professions, and more, so there's certainly a lot for you to consider based on your personal interests and goals. Good luck with your research, and feel free to ask any further questions you might have!

10 months ago

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