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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Arizona State SAT Requirements?

Hey there, I'm planning on applying to Arizona State, and I'm a little bit confused about their SAT requirements. Does anyone have a clear idea of what they're looking for in terms of scores? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Arizona State University (ASU) is currently test-optional, which means that you don't have to submit SAT or ACT scores to be considered for admission. However, if you'd like to submit them, they might have a positive impact on your application or be useful in securing merit-based scholarships. You can read more detailed guidance on how to navigate test-optional policies on CollegeVine's blog:

If you decide to submit your SAT score, keep in mind that ASU doesn't have a strict score cutoff. But for reference, the middle 50% SAT score range of admitted students in the past was around 1120 to 1360. Being within or above this range is generally a good indicator that your test scores are competitive. However, it's essential to remember that the university also considers other factors, like your high school GPA, extracurricular activities, and overall personal strengths.

Ultimately, if you feel your SAT score represents your abilities well and is a strong component of your application, you can submit it. Having a competitive score certainly will only help your application. But if you believe your SAT score might not be as strong, you can still apply to ASU without submitting it due to the test-optional policy. Good luck with your application!

9 months ago

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