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Thoughts on University of Phoenix's IT program?

Hey there! I'm planning to major in Information Technology (IT) and I'm looking into different colleges. Has anyone here gone through or knows about the IT program at the University of Phoenix? What are your thoughts on the curriculum, job placements, and overall experience?

9 months ago

Hello! The University of Phoenix is known to be a primarily online institution that targets working professionals and non-traditional students. While I have not personally gone through their IT program, I can provide some insight based on the information available.

Curriculum: University of Phoenix's IT program covers core concepts in the field, such as programming, network administration, and security. However, it may not offer as many specialized electives or research opportunities as traditional brick-and-mortar universities. It's essential to review the course catalog to ensure it aligns with your specific interests or career goals in IT.

Job placements: One factor to consider when assessing the strength of an IT program is its job placement rates and internship opportunities. While University of Phoenix may have partnerships with certain employers, it might not have as extensive a network as traditional universities in the same field. Make sure to research the support services provided by University of Phoenix's Career Services to assess their ability to help you find job opportunities and internships in your desired area.

Overall experience: The overall experience at University of Phoenix is vastly different from a traditional college experience. Most of their courses are offered online, which can be convenient for working professionals and those needing flexibility. However, you might miss out on typical campus life experiences, such as in-person clubs, events, and networking opportunities with fellow students, faculty, and alumni.

Additionally, the University of Phoenix has faced controversy and skepticism due to its accreditation, for-profit status, and high marketing spending in the past. Employers in the IT field could view a degree from a larger, more traditional university more favorably.

To summarize, University of Phoenix's IT program may be suitable for some students due to its convenience and flexible online format. However, it isimportant to carefully research factors like curriculum, job placements, and the university's reputation. Consider comparing several universities' programs to make an informed decision based on your priorities. Good luck!

9 months ago

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