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How is the APUSH exam weighted?

Hey all! I'll be taking the APUSH test this year and I'm working on figuring out how to plan my study time. Could anyone help me understand the exam's weighting system (like how much each section is worth)? Thanks for the support!

10 months ago

Hey there! It's great that you're looking to figure out the APUSH exam structure so you can plan your study time accordingly. The APUSH exam is divided into two main sections: the Multiple Choice and Short Answer section, and the Free Response section. Here's a breakdown of the weighting for each part of the exam:

1. Multiple Choice and Short Answer section (Section I):

- Part A: Multiple Choice (40 questions) - This accounts for 40% of your total exam score. You'll have 55 minutes to complete this section.

- Part B: Short Answer (3 questions) - This contributes 20% to your total exam score. You'll be given 40 minutes for this section. Here, you'll answer Questions 1 and 2 (both required), and then you'll choose between Question 3 and Question 4 for your third response.

2. Free Response section (Section II):

- Part A: Document-Based Question (DBQ) - The DBQ is worth 25% of your total exam score, and you'll have 60 minutes to complete it. This section will present you with a set of documents, and you'll construct an essay based on the evidence provided.

- Part B: Long Essay Question (LEQ) - The LEQ accounts for the remaining 15% of your total exam score. You'll have a choice between two prompts, and will be given 40 minutes to complete your essay.

To summarize, the weighting of the sections is as follows:

- Multiple Choice: 40%

- Short Answer: 20%

- DBQ: 25%

- LEQ: 15%

Knowing this breakdown should help you allocate your study time effectively and focus your efforts on the sections that carry the most weight. Good luck on your APUSH exam!

10 months ago

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