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Types of questions on the SAT?

Hey there! I'm just starting to study for the SAT and I'm wondering what type of questions I can expect. Could you give me some examples of the questions that appear on both Math and English sections?

9 months ago

Hey! Sure thing, I'd be happy to help. The SAT is divided into two main sections: Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) and Math. The EBRW section contains two parts: Reading and Writing & Language. Here's a brief overview and examples for each section:

1. Reading Section (52 questions, 65 minutes):

The Reading section consists of five passages, followed by questions that test your comprehension, vocabulary, and analysis skills. Passages can be from literary works, social sciences, natural sciences, and historical documents. There are two types of questions:

a) Single-choice questions - You will pick one correct answer from four options.

b) Paired-choice questions - Two questions are related and you will select the best evidence for your answer from another question.

Example question: In a passage from a novel, the protagonist expresses a strong opinion about a certain situation. The question might ask you to identify the protagonist's central claim and choose the best textual evidence that supports the claim.

2. Writing & Language Section (44 questions, 35 minutes):

This section is focused on grammar, usage, and expression clarity. You'll be given passages with underlined portions that you will need to correct, rephrase, or leave as is. There are three types of questions:

a) Standard English Conventions - Questions about grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

b) Expression of Ideas - Questions about improving the organization and clarity of ideas within a passage.

c) Words in Context - Questions regarding word choice, vocabulary, and precision of language.

Example question: A sentence in a passage might contain a grammar error, such as a subject-verb agreement issue. You'll be given four choices, one of which is the correct way to fix the error, while the other three are incorrect or don't improve the sentence.

3. Math Section (58 questions, 80 minutes):

The Math section assesses problem-solving and data analysis, algebraic skills, and geometry. It is divided into two parts:

a) No Calculator Section (20 questions, 25 minutes) - You cannot use a calculator in this portion.

b) Calculator Section (38 questions, 55 minutes) - A calculator is allowed for this section.

There are three types of questions in the Math section:

a) Multiple-choice questions - You will solve a math problem and choose the correct answer from four options.

b) Grid-in questions (a.k.a. student-produced response) - You will solve a problem and fill in your answer on a grid provided, rather than selecting from multiple choices.

c) Extended thinking questions - These usually involve multiple steps and require deep understanding of a concept.

Example question (No Calculator): Solve a linear equation for x and select the correct answer.

Example question (Calculator): Calculate the volume of a cylinder with a specific height and radius and choose the correct value.

I hope this helps get you started. Good luck with your SAT preparations!

9 months ago

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