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Taking both SAT and ACT

Hey guys, I'm a junior stressing out about college admissions. Do we have to take both the SAT and ACT, or is it okay if we just take one of them? Which one do colleges prefer?

10 months ago

Hey there! There's no need to stress about taking both the SAT and ACT. Most colleges in the United States accept both SAT and ACT scores and do not have a preference for one over the other. You can choose to take just one of these exams and submit your scores to the colleges you have in mind.

In fact, many students choose to focus on just one test to better allocate their time and resources for preparation. Both tests cover similar subjects, but there are slight differences in style and pacing. The SAT has a stronger emphasis on critical reading and vocabulary, while the ACT has a Science section and an optional essay.

To determine which test might be a better fit for you, consider taking practice tests for both exams and analyzing your performance. You may find that you're more comfortable with one test format over the other, or that you perform better on a particular test. Once you've decided which exam suits you better, you can concentrate your efforts on preparing for that specific test.

Good luck with your test preparation and college admissions journey!

10 months ago

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