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How's the Volleyball Team at Texas Tech?

Hi guys! I'm a high school junior who loves playing volleyball. I would like to learn more about Texas Tech's volleyball team. How do they rank compared to other colleges, and what's it like attending their games? Any insight would be appreciated!

9 months ago

Hey! It's great that you're interested in volleyball at Texas Tech. The school's women's volleyball team competes at the NCAA Division I level in the Big 12 Conference, which is known for having strong volleyball programs. While the Texas Tech team may not consistently be among the top-ranked teams nationally, they have shown improvement and growth in recent years. As a junior, you still have some time to see how the team progresses before you apply.

Attending volleyball games at Texas Tech is an exciting experience. United Supermarkets Arena, where the team plays their home games, is a great venue with a lively atmosphere. Texas Tech fans, known for their school spirit and enthusiasm, passionately support their sports teams, including volleyball. The matches are competitive, and the crowd's energy is contagious, making for a fun and engaging experience.

If you're considering playing volleyball in college, I suggest checking out the Texas Tech volleyball website and following their social media channels to learn more about the team, their players, and how they perform in upcoming seasons. You can also reach out to their coaching staff to express your interest in the team and find out more about the recruiting process. Additionally, if you get a chance to visit the campus and attend a game in person, that would be an excellent way to get a feel for the atmosphere and community.

I hope this gives you an idea of what to expect from volleyball at Texas Tech! Best of luck with your college search and volleyball journey!

9 months ago

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