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Recommendations for accounting colleges in New York?

I want to major in accounting and preferably attend college in New York. Can anyone recommend some good colleges for this major in the New York area?

9 months ago

New York has an abundance of colleges and universities that offer excellent accounting programs. Here are a few recommendations for you to consider:

1. New York University (NYU) - Stern School of Business: NYU's Stern School of Business is highly regarded for its accounting program and offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees. It has strong connections to opportunities within the finance and business sectors in New York City (Wall Street), which could result in internships and job offers.

2. Baruch College - Zicklin School of Business: Baruch is part of the City University of New York (CUNY) system and offers an affordable, quality accounting program. It is renowned for its strong business curriculum and its location in New York City provides ample job and internship opportunities in financial services.

3. Fordham University - Gabelli School of Business: Fordham has a strong accounting program that ensures students gain a comprehensive understanding of the field. They offer both undergraduate and graduate degrees in accounting, and the school's location in the Bronx gives you easy access to the career opportunities in Manhattan.

4. Binghamton University - School of Management: Part of the State University of New York (SUNY) system, Binghamton is known for its rigorous and reputable accounting program. The school provides a strong foundation in accounting principles and offers numerous resources to help students succeed in the field.

5. Pace University - Lubin School of Business: Pace University also excels in accounting education with an AACSB-accredited program offered at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Located in New York City, Pace provides ample opportunities for internships and networking in the financial sector.

6. Syracuse University - Martin J. Whitman School of Management: Syracuse is located a few hours outside of NYC but offers a reputable accounting program with strong connections to alumni working in the accounting field. They provide an extensive curriculum and resources for students pursuing this major.

Each of these schools differs in terms of size, location, and resources, so it's essential to research each one and visit them, if possible, to make the right decision for you. Also, consider the overall environment and campus life, as they'll be important factors affecting your college experience.

9 months ago

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