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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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December SAT Registration Deadline

Hey guys! I realized I still haven't registered for the December SAT, and I'm lowkey freaking. When's the last day I can register without paying a late fee? Also, do colleges consider the December SAT for their regular decision deadlines?

9 months ago

Don't worry, you've still got time! The regular registration deadline for the December SAT usually falls in early November, around November 3rd or 4th. Make sure you double-check the exact date on the College Board website for the specific year, as deadlines might slightly vary depending on the testing dates.

As for colleges considering the December SAT for regular decision deadlines, many colleges do accept December test scores. Most regular decision deadlines fall in early January, which allows enough time for the December SAT scores to be processed and sent. To be certain, check the admissions websites of the colleges you're applying to and review their standardized testing score deadlines. If you still have doubts, you can always reach out to the college's admissions office for clarification.

Remember, it's important to send your test scores in a timely manner to ensure they arrive by the specified deadline. Good luck on your SAT!

9 months ago

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