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Florida State University - What SAT Scores Do They Look For?

I'm a junior starting to think about college applications, and Florida State University recently caught my eye. What kind of SAT scores are typical for students who get accepted? I'd appreciate any insight, so I can make my application as strong as possible!

9 months ago

Florida State University (FSU) admits a wide range of students with varying SAT scores, but to give you an idea of the typical scores for admitted students, here's a breakdown:

- The middle 50% of SAT scores for admitted students at FSU range from around 1250 to 1380.

- The 25th percentile score is around 1250, meaning 25% of admitted students have scores at or below this number.

- The 75th percentile score is around 1380, meaning 25% of admitted students have scores at or above this number.

Although these numbers can give you a sense of what FSU admissions officers are looking for in terms of SAT scores, it's important to remember that the university uses a holistic review process when evaluating applicants. That means they consider several factors in addition to your SAT scores, like GPA, course rigor, extracurricular involvement, essays, and recommendations.

While a higher SAT score can help boost your application, it's not the only thing that admissions officers will look for. Be sure to dedicate ample time to your essays and continue your involvement in activities that interest you to show your personal growth and development.

As a junior, you still have time to retake the SAT if you feel that your score could be improved. Additionally, consider taking SAT Subject Tests if you excel in specific areas, as they can reinforce your academic strengths. Good luck with your college applications!

9 months ago

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