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UMass acceptance rate?

Hello! I'm a junior and considering applying to UMass Amherst. Does anyone know their acceptance rate? Also, if you have any insights on the campus or school atmosphere, I'd appreciate it.

9 months ago

Hello! The acceptance rate for UMass Amherst fluctuates each year, but as of 2023, their acceptance rate was around 57%. This makes it a moderately selective school. Keep in mind that these numbers can change with each application cycle and can vary for different programs within the university.

In addition to the acceptance rate, it's important to consider the overall atmosphere, as you mentioned. UMass Amherst is a large public research university with a sizable student population, which means you'll have access to a diverse range of academic programs and resources. Many students appreciate UMass Amherst for its strong programs in business, engineering, public health, and natural sciences, as well as its Honors College for academically motivated students.

The campus itself is known to be beautiful and spacious, with a mix of historic and modern architecture. The surrounding area of Amherst is a quintessential New England college town, with numerous shops, restaurants, and cultural activities, and it's part of the Five College Consortium, which allows students to take classes and participate in activities at nearby colleges like Amherst College, Hampshire College, Mount Holyoke College, and Smith College.

As for the school atmosphere, many students report that UMass Amherst has a friendly, spirited, and inclusive environment. There are numerous clubs, organizations, and sports teams to join, which can help you make friends and get involved in campus life. While it is a relatively large university, the sense of community can make it feel smaller and more welcoming.

Keep these factors in mind when deciding whether UMass Amherst might be a good fit for you. It's always a good idea to visit the campus in person or take a virtual tour to get a real sense of the atmosphere and see if you can envision yourself thriving there. Best of luck with your college search!

9 months ago

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