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Which Jesuit schools are in the US?

Hi everyone! I've recently developed an interest in Jesuit colleges, and I'm thinking of applying to some. Can anyone provide me with a list of Jesuit schools in the US? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hi there! It's great that you're interested in Jesuit colleges, as they offer a unique educational approach focused on the whole person and commitment to social justice. Here's a list of the 27 Jesuit colleges and universities in the United States:

1. Boston College (Chestnut Hill, MA)

2. Canisius College (Buffalo, NY)

3. College of the Holy Cross (Worcester, MA)

4. Creighton University (Omaha, NE)

5. Fairfield University (Fairfield, CT)

6. Fordham University (Bronx, NY)

7. Georgetown University (Washington, D.C.)

8. Gonzaga University (Spokane, WA)

9. John Carroll University (Cleveland, OH)

10. Le Moyne College (Syracuse, NY)

11. Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles, CA)

12. Loyola University Chicago (Chicago, IL)

13. Loyola University Maryland (Baltimore, MD)

14. Loyola University New Orleans (New Orleans, LA)

15. Marquette University (Milwaukee, WI)

16. Regis University (Denver, CO)

17. Rockhurst University (Kansas City, MO)

18. St. Joseph's University (Philadelphia, PA)

19. St. Louis University (St. Louis, MO)

20. St. Peter's University (Jersey City, NJ)

21. Santa Clara University (Santa Clara, CA)

22. Seattle University (Seattle, WA)

23. Spring Hill College (Mobile, AL)

24. University of Detroit Mercy (Detroit, MI)

25. University of San Francisco (San Francisco, CA)

26. University of Scranton (Scranton, PA)

27. Xavier University (Cincinnati, OH)

While all of these schools have their Jesuit affiliation in common, they differ widely in terms of offered programs, campus culture, and location, so make sure to do your research and, if possible, visit the campuses of the ones you're most interested in to determine which one is the best overall fit for you. Good luck with your college search!

9 months ago

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