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Is the marketing major at UDEL worth it?

Hi friends, I've been exploring different schools for a marketing major, and UDEL is on my list. What are your thoughts on the quality of their program? Have any of you had experiences with marketing at UDEL and can provide insight into the professors and coursework? Thanks for the help!

9 months ago

Hello! It's great that you're considering UDEL for your marketing major. While I personally haven't attended UDEL, I can provide some general insight into their marketing program based on what I've gathered from others who have attended.

The marketing major at the University of Delaware's Lerner College of Business and Economics is known to be a solid program. They offer a variety of courses to expand your marketing knowledge, such as digital marketing, marketing research, consumer behavior, and international marketing. You'll also get to explore case studies and participate in hands-on projects, which can help you apply the theories you learn in class to real-world situations.

Many students appreciate the diverse selection of knowledgeable professors, who are often approachable and invested in their students' success. Some of them have industry experience as well, which can enrich your learning experience and provide you with valuable connections.

UDEL also offers networking and internship opportunities through its Career Center. Internships are crucial in helping you gain practical experience and build connections before entering the workforce. Additionally, UDEL has student organizations, such as the Blue Hen Marketing Club and the American Marketing Association (AMA), where you can further develop your skills and network with like-minded peers.

However, I would suggest you visit the campus, attend a class if possible, and talk to current students or alumni from the marketing program to get a more accurate feel for whether the program would be the right fit for you. Don't hesitate to ask questions, delve deeper into the coursework, available resources, and extracurricular opportunities to make an informed decision.

Good luck with your college search!

9 months ago

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