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SAT: 720 math
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Monterey Bay Acceptance Rate

Hey guys, I'm thinking about applying to California State University, Monterey Bay, and I want to know about their acceptance rate. How competitive is it to get in? Any insights would be super helpful.

9 months ago

California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) is a public university that is generally considered to be less competitive than some other universities in California. As of recent data, CSUMB has had an acceptance rate of approximately 90-93% in recent years.

Keep in mind that acceptance rates can change year to year based on factors such as the number of applicants and institutional goals. It's important to ensure that your academic profile, such as GPA and coursework rigor, aligns with the average profile of admitted students to gauge your chances more accurately.

In addition to academics, it's also important to showcase your extracurricular activities, leadership, and personal qualities in your application. CSUMB, like other Cal State schools, uses the "eligibility index" to determine if an applicant meets the minimum requirements for admission. This index is calculated using a combination of high school GPA and, if applicable, test scores. However, note that the Cal State system is currently test-blind, so test scores are not considered for admissions purposes.

Best of luck with your application to CSUMB, and I hope you find this information helpful!

9 months ago

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