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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do I go about registering for the SAT?

Hi y'all! I need some help understanding the process of registering for the SAT. What steps do I need to take to sign up? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

10 months ago

Hi there! Registering for the SAT is quite simple, and I'll guide you through the steps.

1. Create an account: To start, you'll want to create an account on the College Board website ( if you haven't already done so. This account will not only be used for SAT registration, but also to access your scores, send score reports, and more.

2. Choose a test date: Once signed in, head to the SAT registration section on the College Board website. You'll want to choose an appropriate test date based on your schedule, the college application deadlines, and the availability of test centers near you. Keep in mind that registration usually closes about a month before the test date, so plan accordingly.

3. Fill out your personal information: During the registration process, you'll be prompted to enter your personal details such as your name, address, birthdate, high school, and graduation date. Make sure to enter this information accurately, as it will appear on your test admission ticket and score reports.

4. Upload a photo: As part of the registration, you'll also need to upload a photo of yourself that meets the College Board's photo requirements. This photo will be used for identification purposes on test day.

5. Pick a test center: You'll be asked to select your preferred test center location. The College Board website will show you nearby testing centers based on your zip code. Availability can fill up quickly, so try to sign up early to secure a spot at your preferred location.

6. Pay the registration fee: Finally, you'll need to pay the SAT registration fee. If you need financial assistance, fee waivers are available for eligible students.

7. Review and submit: Review all the information you've entered, making sure everything is accurate. When you've completed the registration process, you'll receive a confirmation email and can print your admission ticket.

And that's it! Be sure to double-check your test center location and start time, and arrive early on test day with your admission ticket and an acceptable photo ID. Good luck with your preparation!

10 months ago

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