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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How big is the student population at Lebanon Valley College?

I'm looking into Lebanon Valley College and I was wondering about the size of the student body there. Anyone knows how many students attend this college and whether it has a close-knit community or is more laid-back?

9 months ago

Lebanon Valley College is a smaller institution, with a total student population of around 1,600 undergraduate students. Given its size, the college offers a close-knit community where students have plenty of opportunities to connect with peers, form relationships with faculty and participate in campus activities. The smaller student body also tends to result in smaller class sizes and more personalized attention from professors.

Overall, many students find the community supportive and welcoming, which creates a collaborative and, in some aspects, laid-back environment. I hope you find this information helpful!

9 months ago

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