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University of Virginia Average SAT Scores?

Hey there! I'm thinking about applying to UVA and I'd like to know what the average SAT score is for their incoming students. Can anyone provide some info on the score range I'd ideally need to be competitive? Much appreciated!

9 months ago

Hey! It's great that you're considering applying to the University of Virginia. To give you a sense of the average SAT scores for incoming students at UVA, you can take a look at the middle 50% range for admitted students. This range represents the scores between the 25th and 75th percentiles of admitted applicants.

For UVA's admitted class entering in Fall 2022, the middle 50% SAT scores for admitted students are as follows:

- SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing: 690-750

- SAT Math: 710-790

Aiming for a score in this range or higher can help increase your chances of admission. Do note that UVA, like many other universities, uses a holistic review process when evaluating applicants. This means that in addition to standardized test scores, they will also consider your high school GPA, rigor of your coursework, extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendation letters. While having a competitive SAT score is important, make sure you're also focusing on the other aspects of your application to showcase your strengths as a candidate.

Keep in mind that UVA may update their admissions requirements and policies, so it's a good idea to keep an eye on their admissions website for the most recent information. Best of luck with your application!

9 months ago

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