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Finance major at UDel?

I'm a junior exploring college options for a finance major and the University of Delaware (UDel) caught my attention. Can anyone give some info or personal experience about the finance program there? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

The finance program at the University of Delaware (UDel) is part of the Lerner College of Business and Economics, and is well-regarded for its strong curriculum, dedicated faculty, and opportunities for hands-on experiences. Here's some information about the program and what makes it stand out:

1. Lerner College is AACSB accredited, which is an important accreditation for business schools, as it ensures that the education you receive is of high quality.

2. The finance curriculum at UDel emphasizes both theoretical knowledge and practical, real-world skills. Core coursework covers topics such as corporate finance, investment analysis, financial institutions, and risk management. Electives allow you to delve deeper into specific areas like financial modeling, behavioral finance, or international finance.

3. The program offers experiential learning opportunities, such as the Blue Hen Investment Club – a student-run organization which manages a real investment fund. These experiences allow you to gain valuable, real-world skills in investing and trading.

4. UDel has a dedicated career services center within Lerner College, which offers finance-related internships and job placement assistance. The center has strong connections with financial services firms, investment management companies, and public agencies in the region. Many students secure internships during their undergraduate years and full-time positions upon graduation.

5. UDel also hosts networking events, guest speaker series, and workshops that allow finance students to connect with industry professionals and alumni, expand their understanding of the field, and build connections for future job opportunities.

In summary, if you're considering a finance major, the University of Delaware offers a robust program with a variety of learning opportunities, career support, and connections to help you succeed. While I don't have any personal experience with the finance program at UDel, many students have reported positive experiences in terms of faculty support, coursework, and career opportunities after graduation. I hope you find this information helpful!

9 months ago

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