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Sports at SCU? How's their athletics?

Sup, peeps! I'm considering applying to Santa Clara University (SCU) and I'm all about sports! How's their athletics overall, and what are the most popular sports on campus?

9 months ago

Hey there! Santa Clara University (SCU) has a strong athletics program and competes in NCAA Division I as a member of the West Coast Conference (WCC). They offer a variety of sports for both men and women, including basketball, soccer, cross country, golf, tennis, and more.

In terms of popularity, basketball is one of the most popular sports at SCU. The men's basketball team has a rich history and has participated in various NCAA tournaments. Soccer is another popular sport on campus, with both the men's and women's teams having strong traditions of success. The women's soccer team, in particular, has achieved multiple national championships, making them a significant presence in the college sports world.

Aside from varsity athletics, Santa Clara University also offers club sports and intramural leagues. Club sports like rugby, ultimate frisbee, and water polo provide an opportunity for students to stay active and engage in friendly competition, while intramurals let people participate in more recreational sporting activities. Overall, SCU has a thriving sports culture, so you'll definitely find your sports-loving community there!

9 months ago

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