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How diverse is the student body at IU Bloomington?

Hey, I was wondering if anyone could give me an idea of the diversity at Indiana University Bloomington in terms of ethnicity, nationality, etc? I want to know if I'll feel comfortable and welcomed there.

9 months ago

Indiana University Bloomington is committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse campus community. As a prospective student, it's natural to be curious about the level of diversity you would experience there.

According to the University's recent official data, the undergraduate student population at IU Bloomington is approximately 48% White, 31.92% international, 6% Hispanic/Latino, 6% Asian American, 4% Black or African American, and the remaining percentage is a combination of students from multiple ethnicities, Native American, Pacific Islander, and unknown backgrounds.

However, it's essential to understand that diversity extends beyond just ethnicity and nationality. IU Bloomington offers various academic and social programs, organizations, and clubs to encourage cultural exchange, promote understanding among different backgrounds, and provide support for underrepresented communities.

Some examples include the Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center, La Casa/Latino Cultural Center, Asian Culture Center, and the LGBTQ+ Culture Center, as well as numerous student groups that cater to a wide array of interests and identities.

Overall, Indiana University Bloomington is continually striving to improve its diversity and foster a safe and welcoming environment for all students. Although it might not be the most diverse institution out there, the resources and support systems they have in place could make your experience a positive one. It's important to keep in mind that feeling comfortable and welcomed often depends on personal factors, too—so it's a good idea to visit the campus or connect with current students to get a better sense of the community.

9 months ago

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