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Visiting University of Connecticut

Hey everyone, I'm planning a campus visit to the University of Connecticut soon. Any suggestions on what I should definitely check out while I'm there? Any specific buildings, resources or points of interest? Thanks!

9 months ago

Hey! A campus visit to the University of Connecticut is a great way to get a feel for what the school has to offer. Here are some suggestions of places to visit while you're there:

1. Begin at the Lodewick Visitors Center for an organized campus tour and information session. This will give you an overview of the campus and its main facilities.

2. Check out the Student Union. It's the heart of student life on campus and houses various resources, dining options, and spaces for student organizations.

3. Head to the Homer Babbidge Library, the main library on campus. It's a great opportunity to see the study spaces, group meeting rooms, and resources offered to students.

4. Visit the recreation facilities like the Student Recreation Center or the Werth Family UConn Basketball Champions Center. These buildings cater to different athletic interests among students and are essential for maintaining a well-balanced lifestyle on campus.

5. Stroll through the academic buildings relevant to your major or interests. For example, if you're interested in the sciences, take a look at the new Engineering & Science Building and the Chemistry Building. For business students, the School of Business building is the place to visit.

6. Experience dining on campus by grabbing a meal at one of the dining halls. Typical options include McMahon, South, North, or Buckley. This will allow you to taste the food and learn about the meal plan options available to students.

7. Take a walk around Mirror Lake, a picturesque spot that's popular among students for relaxation and recreation. It's a beautiful place to take photos during your visit.

8. Lastly, check out the residential halls or living and learning communities if you have time. This will help you understand what on-campus living is like and whether you prefer traditional dorms or suite-style options.

Additionally, if you can, try to attend an event or two on campus, like a sports game or performance, to get a feel for the university's social atmosphere. Enjoy your visit to UConn, and I hope this helps you make the most of your time there!

9 months ago

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