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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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SUNY ESF Sports Scene?

Hi, I'm looking into SUNY ESF and I'm curious about their sports scene. Do they have any varsity or club sports? How's the overall school spirit, and what kind of sports-related opportunities are there for students?

9 months ago

SUNY ESF does not have a traditional varsity sports program like some larger universities do. However, the college does offer a variety of club sports for students to participate in. Some of the more popular club sports at SUNY ESF include soccer, basketball, rugby, and ultimate frisbee, among others. Students at SUNY ESF also have access to Syracuse University's recreation facilities and can participate in Syracuse's intramural sports program to engage in more sports-related activities.

As for school spirit, SUNY ESF prides itself on having a strong sense of community and camaraderie, with an emphasis on sustainability and environmental stewardship. While the sports scene might not be as prominent as at larger institutions, students still find a sense of unity and spirit through clubs, campus events, and other extracurricular activities.

If you're interested in attending sporting events, keep in mind that SUNY ESF shares a campus with Syracuse University, and you'll be able to attend Syracuse's NCAA Division I sports events to get a feel for a more traditional college sports environment. This can provide a nice balance for students looking to enjoy both the tight-knit community offered by a smaller college and the excitement of Division I sports.

9 months ago

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