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Stony Brook University Average GPA?

I've got Stony Brook University on my list of potential colleges to apply to, and I'm curious about their average GPA. Does anyone have any insight on what kind of GPA range they typically look for in applicants?

9 months ago

The average GPA of admitted students at Stony Brook University is around 91 to 96 on a 100-point scale, but keep in mind this is just average, meaning there is some variation.

Additionally, don't forget that colleges don't evaluate applicants based solely on GPA. Course rigor, such as enrolling in honors, AP, or IB courses, weighs heavily in the evaluation. They also consider other parts of your application, such as extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendation.

So, while GPA is an important factor, remember that Stony Brook practices a holistic admissions process and will evaluate your entire application, not just your GPA. Aim for a solid GPA, challenge yourself with rigorous courses, and build a well-rounded application to improve your chances of admission.

9 months ago

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