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List of D1 schools by enrollment size?

I'm trying to narrow down my college search and I'm particularly interested in D1 schools. I also want to consider the size of the student population. Does anyone have a list of D1 schools ranked by enrollment?

10 months ago

While it would be difficult to list all D1 schools ranked by enrollment in just one response, I can help you get started by providing a sampling of D1 schools across different enrollment sizes. There are more than 350 NCAA Division I schools, and they vary greatly in terms of population.

Here's a brief overview of some D1 schools in various enrollment categories:

Large enrollment (30,000+ students):

1. The Ohio State University

2. University of Central Florida

3. Texas A&M University

4. University of Texas at Austin

5. Arizona State University

Medium enrollment (10,000-30,000 students):

1. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2. University of Michigan

3. University of Virginia

4. University of Wisconsin-Madison

5. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Small enrollment (less than 10,000 students):

1. Dartmouth College

2. Rice University

3. College of the Holy Cross

4. Davidson College

5. Bucknell University

Please note that the enrollment sizes are approximations for the undergraduate population and may change from year to year.

As you continue your search for D1 schools, consider factoring in other aspects, such as academic strengths, financial aid, location, and extracurricular opportunities. To make your search easier, you can use college search engines or tools that allow you to filter schools based on your preferences.

I hope this helps provide some direction for your search. Good luck in narrowing down your options!

10 months ago

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