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UCF Journalism Major

I've been looking into the University of Central Florida's journalism program, and I want some input from students or alumni. How is the program overall? Are there many internship opportunities available in the area?

9 months ago

I'm not personally a UCF student or alumnus, but from what I've gathered about the University of Central Florida's journalism program, many students have a positive experience. The Nicholson School of Communication and Media within UCF offers a comprehensive curriculum that combines hands-on skills with a strong theoretical foundation in topics such as multimedia storytelling, investigative reporting, visual communication, and media law and ethics.

UCF boasts a myriad of opportunities for practical experience alongside the journalism curriculum, such as the student-run news publications (Nicholson Student Media), radio station (WNSC), and television station (WUCF-TV). The on-campus organizations are highly engaging and pave the way for professional portfolios and networking opportunities within the media industry.

As for internships, Orlando is a thriving media hub that hosts numerous print, online, broadcast, and radio outlets, establishing itself as a prime location for gaining practical journalism experience. Students have secured internships and jobs at renowned companies like iHeartMedia, Disney, Sirius XM, FOX, and many others. UCF's location and strong connections within the media industry provide access to several opportunities for you to expand your skills further and secure internships and post-graduation positions.

Remember that your experience in the journalism program and securing internships will highly depend on your own initiative and drive to seek out these opportunities. Be proactive in networking, volunteering, and working on personal projects—this will undoubtedly set you apart from your peers and increase your chances of obtaining rewarding internships in the field.

9 months ago

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