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William and Mary College acceptance rate

Hey guys! I'm really interested in applying to William and Mary College. Does anyone know the current acceptance rate and any factors that are particularly important for admission?

2 months ago

Hey there! As of the 2022-2023 admissions cycle, William and Mary has an acceptance rate of about 32%. Of course, this rate can vary from year to year, so it's always a good idea to keep an eye on the most recent statistics.

When it comes to admissions factors, William and Mary uses a holistic approach to evaluate applicants. Some key factors that the admissions committee considers include:

1. Academic performance: Your high school transcript is crucial. They'll look at your grades, course rigor, and improvement over time. A strong GPA, particularly in challenging courses like Honors, AP, or IB, will help your application.

2. Standardized test scores: While William and Mary is currently test-optional due to the COVID-19 pandemic, submitting strong SAT or ACT scores can enhance your application. However, if you don't have the scores you'd like, you can still apply without them.

3. Extracurricular involvement: It's important to show passion and commitment through your activities, whether through leadership positions, community service, or other accomplishments that highlight your strengths.

4. Essays: Your personal statement and any required supplemental essays give you an opportunity to show your personality, values, and aspirations. Make sure to spend time crafting a thoughtful and compelling narrative.

5. Letters of recommendation: Positive endorsements from teachers, counselors, or other mentors who know you well can help showcase your character, work ethic, and potential for success at William and Mary.

While these factors are particularly important, the admissions committee will evaluate your application as a whole. Demonstrating a genuine interest in the college, such as visiting the campus (if possible) or attending virtual events, can also be beneficial.

Good luck with your application!

2 months ago

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